Safe drinking water for everyone
Our goal is to provide as many families as possible with clean and safe drinking water worldwide. This means that for us the commercial interests are secondary to this larger goal. That is why we supply our filters to aid organizations and/or aid projects at a very reduced rate.Reduced rate
Would you also like to qualify for these special rates? Please contact us. We would like to hear from you what the filters are intended for.
Questions? We are happy to help you.
Tel: +31 85 788 63 28
Available by telephone from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 16:00.
Workshop Harderwijk
Address: Nobelstraat 31 7, 3846 CE Harderwijk, The Netherlands
Workshop Heerde
Address: Zwarteweg 10 A, 8181 PD Heerde, The Netherlands
VAT identification number: NL808812622B01
Chamber of Commerce number: 05065655
Bank Number: IBAN NL40 RABO 0370283546