The AQUA Logic Gravity Mini water filter functions by means of gravity. The water flows slowly from the top Water Container, through the filter, into the bottom Water Container. The water reservoirs have a capacity of 10 liters each.
Emergency drinking water filter
Our water filters are being used worldwide in emergency and disaster situations where there is a lack of clean and safe drinking water. Disease caused by contaminated water is unfortunately the number 2 cause of death worldwide and even the number 1 cause of death among children up to 5 years old. Often more people die from the disaster after the disaster than from the disaster itself. With your purchase you support the work of the
IBOTA Foundation and making this water filter available to those in need.
The AQUA Logic Gravity filter is a drinking water filter designed for situations where the regular water supply is unreliable due to water pollution or contamination. The filter is capable of producing high-quality, safe, and clean drinking water. It is particularly effective in environments heavily contaminated with microorganisms, providing an excellent solution for combating waterborne diseases such as Cholera. Additionally, the filter operates without the use of chemicals and is composed of maintenance-free and corrosion-resistant components.
Suitable Water Sources for Use with Our AQUA Logic Emergency Water Filters
- Rainwater: Easy to collect and directly filter.
- Surface Water: For example, from ditches, lakes, rivers, and streams.
Tip: For optimal results, we recommend pre-filtering surface water with a cloth, such as a tea towel, to remove large contaminants.
- Spring Water: Water from natural springs, if accessible.
- Snow and Ice: Melted snow or ice can be filtered.
Note: Do not use snow or ice that is contaminated with salt or has lost its clear white color.
- Groundwater: Water from shallow wells or boreholes.
Note: If the groundwater contains iron, it can be easily de-ironed by adding oxygen to the water. This can be done by pouring the water back and forth between two buckets. Allow the water to settle so that the iron particles accumulate at the bottom. The clear water on top can then be filtered with the AQUA Logic emergency water filter.
- Rain Puddles: Water collected in depressions after rainfall. Pre-filter large contaminants before filtering.
- Condensed Water: Water collected through condensation, such as with plastic sheets or collection systems.
Note: This filter is not suitable for purifying saltwater or heavily chemically contaminated water.
Groundwater and De-Ironing
Groundwater may contain iron, which can cause a metallic taste and discoloration. You can easily remove iron from the water before filtering it with the AQUA Logic emergency water filter. Follow these steps:
- Add Oxygen: Pour the groundwater back and forth between two buckets several times. This allows the water to absorb oxygen, oxidizing the iron.
- Let it Settle: Allow the water to sit for several hours so the oxidized iron particles settle at the bottom.
- Separate the Water: Carefully scoop or pour the clear water from the top into another bucket, leaving the iron particles at the bottom.
- Filter: The clear water is now ready to be filtered with the AQUA Logic emergency water filter.
This simple method works well for water with low to moderate iron content. For water with high iron levels, additional techniques or tools may be necessary.
Filter characteristics 5 inch 3in1 CS-Ultra Filter Element:
The AQUA Logic - Gravity Mini - C-Ultra - 0.03mcr - 5 INCH filter element is a true powerhouse, ideal for emergency aid and crisis situations. Despite its smaller size, it delivers the same top performance as larger standard models. Its compact design makes it perfect for rapid deployment to disaster areas or remote locations without compromising on reliability or capacity. Additionally, this filter element is an essential addition to any emergency kit, ensuring immediate access to safe and clean drinking water in critical situations.
1. Activated carbon cylinder
The activated carbon consists of 100% organic material (coconut shell) and has a very high adsorption capacity. Activated carbon adsorbs odor, color and taste, metals such as lead, as well as yeasts, chlorine, medicine residue and other chemicals.
2. Nano Silver Impregnation
Colloidal (Nano) Silver is applied to the activated carbon. The Nano Silver coating inhibits the growth of bacteria and microorganisms in water, ensuring safer and cleaner drinking water. This effect is achieved as the Nano Silver particles disrupt the cell walls of microorganisms and impede their reproduction, significantly reducing the risk of water contamination and the spread of pathogens. This allows you to enjoy high-quality water with increased safety and purity.
3. Ultrafiltration membranes with a pore size of 0.03 micron
Filters: Pathogenic organisms: Log 6 bacterial reduction: >99.9999% (including Cholera, Shigella, Typhus, Klebsiella Terrigena, Legionella and e. Coli) and Cysts / Protozoa (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium) Micro- and Nano plastics from a size of 0.03 microns (30 nanometers)
How to use this water filter
Always use the most clean water source that is available and preferably use the filter in a clean environment.

1. First of all, the recommended replacement date of the water filter must be indicated on the supplied date sticker and must be visibly pasted on the water filter. The recommended period of use is 1 year, after which the filter element must be replaced.
Note: The actual life span of this water filter will depend on the level of contamination in the water source. As long as there is water coming out through the filter, will this water be suitable drinking water because it has been filtered through the ultra-membranes, provided the water filter is used as explained in this user manual.
2. The filter element can now be installed in the water reservoir. Insert the filter outlet, equipped with a sealing ring, through the hole in the bottom of the upper water tank and through the lid with hole. Place a second sealing ring around the filter outlet and securely tighten the nut.
3. Stack the two water reservoirs on top of each other and fill the upper one with the water you wish to purify. The water will start to seep through the filter element after a few minutes. As the water level in the upper reservoir decreases, the flow rate of the filtered water will also decrease.
Tip: Keep the upper water reservoir topped up to have quicker access to more filtered water.
4. Before consuming the filtered water, flush the new filter element with 5 liters of water. After this, you are ready to enjoy pure water with your water filter.
A layer of water containing the sediment / settlings always remains in the waste water reservoir. The purpose of settling is the removal of undissolved particles from the water. If the density of the particles is greater than that of water, they move to the bottom under the influence of gravity. Discard this layer of water when refilling the water reservoir.
• The filter element can be easily cleaned when the waterflow decreases: The filter element surface can be sanded clean using the integrated Cleaning Pad. Then rinse the filter element with water.
• Clean the water containers regularly by washing them with water and soap and then rinsing them with clean water.
How to store after usage
We recommend adding Cosil47 Water Filter Disinfectant solution:
1. Fill the upper water reservoir with clean water (filtered) and add Cosil47 Colloidal silver as indicated in the Cosil47 user manual.
2. Allow the filter element to run through and become saturated with it.
3. Wet: Disassemble the filter element and place it in a sealed container or bag and store it in the refrigerator.
Dry: Blow the remaining water out of the filter as much as possible. Find a suitable place to let the filter dry without mold formation, but prevent the plastic caps from becoming heated, for example by a heater/radiator.
4. First allow the filter element to be rinsed again before using it again.
Filter characteristics
All parts are
Food-Grade and BPA-Free.
Shelf life and Life Span:
Unused, the filter has an almost unlimited shelf life (store in a cool, dry and dark place)
The recommended period of use is 1 year.
Note: The actual life span of this water filter will depend on the level of contamination in the water source. As long as there is water coming out through the filter, will this water be suitable drinking water because it has been filtered through the ultra-membranes, provided the water filter is used as explained in this user manual.