AQUA Logic - Tap - C-Ultra - 0,03mcr - 10 INCH - Gen2 - (tap water filter)

On-Tap Water filter with Ultra Membranes and Activated Carbon

149,50 *
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Weight: 1,400 kg

Product number: 10064

EAN: 8720726095648

AQUA Logic - Tap - C-Ultra - 0,03mcr - 10 INCH - Gen2 - (tap water filter)
AQUA Logic - Tap - Anti Limescale - 10 INCH - (On-tap Water Softener)
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Product specification


Way of use Directly at water tap

Filtration properties

Filter material Ultra membranes | Activated carbon cylinder
Pore size / Sieve perforation 0,01 - 0,03 micron
Bacteria reduction LOG 6 | >99.9999%
Suitable against Protozoa (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium) and bacteria (including Cholera, Typhus, Legionella and E. Coli)
Reduces Color, smell, taste as well as chlorine and other chemicals

Technical information

Connection type M22 tap adapter + M24 adapter ring

Package contents

10" Tap filter housing
Cleaning pad for filter element
Tap adapter M22 with supply hose (120cm)
Adaptor ring M22 x M24
Tensioning bracket to open the filter housing
Date sticker (for marking the year when the filter was commissioned)
Filter Element - Inline - C-Ultra - 0,03mcr - 10 INCH - Gen2
User manual (Dutch, English)

Product description

The AQUA Logic Tab - C-Ultra has been developed to provide safe drinking water for household use, in situations where the regular drinking water supply cannot be trusted. It is a drinking water filter that can be connected to an existing tap. With the switch tap adapter you can choose between water directly from the tap or filtered water from the water filter.


The AQUA Logic drinking water filters are developed by Innologic BV as commissioned by the IBOTA Foundation. IBOTA Foundation aims to provide filters for drinking water treatment in disaster areas and every other situation where clean and safe drinking water is not available. Components of these drinking water filters are being produced in India as project for underprivileged young people. By purchasing this drinking water filter you are contributing to this project.

Filter characteristics

2in1: C-Ultra Filter Element:  
1.    Activated carbon cylinder with a pore size of 1 micron.

The activated carbon consists of 100% organic material (coconut shell) and has a very high adsorption capacity. Activated carbon adsorbs odor, color and taste, metals such as lead, as well as yeasts, chlorine, medicine residue and other chemicals.

2.    Ultrafiltration membranes with a pore size of 0.03 micron.
Filters: Pathogenic organisms: Log 6 bacterial reduction: >99.9999% (including Cholera, Shigella, Typhus, Klebsiella Terrigena, Legionella and e. Coli) and Cysts / Protozoa (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium)
Micro- and Nano plastics from a size of 0.03 microns (30 nanometers)

This single filter is capable of producing safe and clean drinking water of high quality. The filter works without the addition of chemicals and is made up of maintenance-free and corrosion-free parts.

Preparation and instalment  

1.    First of all, the recommended replacement date of the water filter must be indicated on the supplied date sticker and must be visibly pasted on the water filter. The recommended period of use (daily usage) is 1 year.
Note: The actual life span of this water filter will depend on the level of contamination in the water source. As long as there is water coming out through the filter, will this water be suitable drinking water because it has been filtered through the ultra-membranes, provided the water filter is used as explained in this user manual.
2.    When using the filter it is recommended to let the air escape from the filter. Hold the filter upside down as it fills up, allowing air present in the filter to escape.
3.    First flush a new filter element with 3 to 4 liters of water. After this, the filtered water is suitable for consumption.

Cleaning the filter

When the flow rate decreases, the filter element can be easily cleaned:
1.    Unscrew the filter housing (counterclockwise). You can use the supplied tensioner for this.
2.    Using the integrated Cleaning Pad, the filter surface of the activated carbon cylinder can be sanded clean. Then rinse the filter element with water.
3.    Make sure that the rubber sealing ring is correctly positioned and clean when closing the filter housing. Then close the filter housing by tightening it firmly.

Caution! Water filters never perform ‘absolute filtration’ for all pollutions. It reduces pollutions and contaminations to an acceptable level. Innologic BV can never be held responsible in any way for problems resulting from (improper) use of this water filter!

Please contact us

Do you have a question about this product? Ask us your question +31 85 788 63 28
Questions? We are happy to help you.

Questions? We are happy to help you.

Tel: +31 85 788 63 28

Workshop Harderwijk
Address: Nobelstraat 31 7, 3846 CE Harderwijk, The Netherlands

Workshop Heerde
Address: Zwarteweg 10 A, 8181 PD Heerde, The Netherlands

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Chamber of Commerce number: 05065655 
Bank Number: IBAN NL40 RABO 0370283546