Emergency drinking water filter
This water filter is used worldwide in emergency and disaster situations where there is a lack of clean and safe drinking water. Disease caused by contaminated water is unfortunately the number 2 cause of death worldwide and even the number 1 cause of death among children up to 5 years old. Often more people die from the disaster after the disaster than from the disaster itself. With your purchase you support the work of the IBOTA Foundation and making this water filter available to those in need.
Nano-Silver has been added to the Active-Kool. This makes this water filter very good when there is a high degree of contamination of microorganisms, including viruses.
Filter Characteristics
- The AQUA Logic Siphon filter functions by means of 'siphoning' (gravity).
- It has a flow rate of approximately >5 liters per hour. The flow rate may decrease overtime.
- The recommended period of use (daily usage) is 1 year.
Note: The actual life span of this water filter will depend on the level of contamination in the water source. As long as there is water coming out through the filter, will this water be suitable drinking water because it has been filtered through the ultra-membranes, provided the water filter is used as explained in this user manual.
Suitable Water Sources for Use with Our AQUA Logic Emergency Water Filters
- Rainwater: Easy to collect and directly filter.
- Surface Water: For example, from ditches, lakes, rivers, and streams.
Tip: For optimal results, we recommend pre-filtering surface water with a cloth, such as a tea towel, to remove large contaminants.
- Spring Water: Water from natural springs, if accessible.
- Snow and Ice: Melted snow or ice can be filtered.
Note: Do not use snow or ice that is contaminated with salt or has lost its clear white color.
- Groundwater: Water from shallow wells or boreholes.
Note: If the groundwater contains iron, it can be easily de-ironed by adding oxygen to the water. This can be done by pouring the water back and forth between two buckets. Allow the water to settle so that the iron particles accumulate at the bottom. The clear water on top can then be filtered with the AQUA Logic emergency water filter.
- Rain Puddles: Water collected in depressions after rainfall. Pre-filter large contaminants before filtering.
- Condensed Water: Water collected through condensation, such as with plastic sheets or collection systems.
Note: This filter is not suitable for purifying saltwater or heavily chemically contaminated water.
Groundwater and De-Ironing
Groundwater may contain iron, which can cause a metallic taste and discoloration. You can easily remove iron from the water before filtering it with the AQUA Logic emergency water filter. Follow these steps:
- Add Oxygen: Pour the groundwater back and forth between two buckets several times. This allows the water to absorb oxygen, oxidizing the iron.
- Let it Settle: Allow the water to sit for several hours so the oxidized iron particles settle at the bottom.
- Separate the Water: Carefully scoop or pour the clear water from the top into another bucket, leaving the iron particles at the bottom.
- Filter: The clear water is now ready to be filtered with the AQUA Logic emergency water filter.
This simple method works well for water with low to moderate iron content. For water with high iron levels, additional techniques or tools may be necessary.
Filter element:
4in1: CS-Ultra Filter with Sediment Filter Sleeve:
- Activated carbon cylinder with a pore size of 1 micron.
The activated carbon consists of 100% organic material (coconut shell) and has a very high adsorption capacity.
Activated carbon adsorbs odor, color and taste, metals such as lead, as well as molds, chlorine, medicine residue and other chemicals.
- Nano Silver Impregnation
Colloidal (Nano) silver is applied to activated carbon. The Nano Silver coating inhibits the growth of bacteria and microorganisms in water, ensuring safer and cleaner drinking water. This effect is achieved because the Nano Silver particles disrupt the cell walls of microorganisms, hindering their reproduction and significantly reducing the risk of water contamination and the spread of pathogens. This antibacterial action makes this water filter highly suitable for situations with a high degree of contamination by microorganisms, such as Cholera.
- Ultrafiltration membranes with a pore size of 0.01 - 0.03 micron.
Filters: Pathogenic organisms: Log 6 bacterial reduction: >99.9999% (including Cholera, Shigella, Typhus, Klebsiella Terrigena, Legionella and e. Coli) and Cysts / Protozoa (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium)
Micro- and Nano plastics from a size of 0.03 microns (30 nanometers)
- Sediment Filter Sleeve
The Sediment Filter Sleeve is very effective in filtering coarser contaminants in the water such as sand, mud and clay. The Filter Sleeve extends the life of the activated carbon and the ultrafiltration membranes, which will be less likely to clog.
This single filter is capable of producing safe and clean drinking water of high quality. The filter works without the addition of chemicals and is made up of maintenance-free and corrosion-free parts.
Shelf life:
unused, the filter has an almost unlimited shelf life (store in a cool, dry and dark place)
Drinking water for the whole family
This little powerhouse can clean 10 liters per hour. It is super small and cheap to buy. This filter (if used correctly) can provide a family with clean and safe drinking water for a period of at least 1 year. Practice has shown that this can take up to several years, depending on the degree of contamination of the water source.
Aid and Relief
The Siphon filter is a simple and very compact drinking water filter that has been specially developed to give people who live in poor conditions access to clean and safe drinking water. For example, this filter is distributed by various aid agencies to families in disaster situations or underdeveloped areas.
Are you on the road, through nature or abroad and do you doubt whether the tap water is drinkable? Even then this compact water filter is the solution.
The usage is very simple. There are two ways you can use the Siphon Water Filter:
By Siphoning: All you need is a bucket with contaminated water, from which the Siphon C-Ultra siphons the water by gravity, and something like a water bottle to collect the clean water.
Fill a pan or bucket with water from a river or rain- or tap water. Place it at a height of about 1 meter and place the siphon filter in it. Place a water bottle on the floor.
Using the supplied syringe, suck the water through the tube through the siphon water filter. Repeat this several times. Disconnect the syringe and hang the tube in the water bottle in which you want to collect the clean water. The siphon action sucks the water through the filter and clean and safe drinking water comes out! Repeat the suction to improve the flow if necessary.
Suction: The Siphon filters can also be used if you do not have a bucket with you and are on the road:
Hang the filter in the (surface) water.
Make sure the filter is saturated with water. This can be done by leaving it completely underwater for a while using something heavy on top and/or keeping the filter underwater and saturating it with water using the supplied syringe.
Suck on the end of the tube to filter the water and drink it immediately. Or use the syringe for this too.
Point of Use filter
The Siphon filter is a so-called Point of Use filter. This means that the water is treated where it is used. This minimizes the risk of contamination during the journey from source to user.
Three-stage water filter.
The Siphon filter is a so-called three-stage filter.
The first stage consists of a double fleece filter cover, the so-called sediment filter. This stops all visible pollution. Consider, for example, sand.
The second stage is an activated carbon with nano-silver filter, in which odor, color and flavors are adsorbed.
The third stage consists of an Ultra membrane of hundreds of capillary tubes with a pore size of 0.03 microns, which stops microorganisms.
When the amount of water decreases, the filter can be cleaned using the integrated "Cleaning-Pad" (sanding belt). First remove the filter sleeve and rinse it out. Clamp the Cleaning-Pad with the full hand and make a circular motion. Then rinse the filter with (unfiltered) water. The cilicon hose can be cleaned with the syringe and heated water.
How to store after usage
We recommend adding Cosil47 Water Filter Disinfectant solution:
1. Fill the upper water reservoir with clean water (filtered) and add Cosil47 Colloidal silver as indicated in the Cosil47 user manual.
2. Allow the filter element to run through and become saturated with it.
3. Wet: Disassemble the filter element and place it in a sealed container or bag and store it in the refrigerator.
Dry: Blow the remaining water out of the filter as much as possible. Find a suitable place to let the filter dry without mold formation, but prevent the plastic caps from becoming heated, for example by a heater/radiator.
4. First allow the filter element to be rinsed again before using it again.
Taste experience
It is often said that there is no arguing about taste. Many users of this water filter find that the filtered water tastes better. Especially when there is chlorine in the water, this is reduced by the activated carbon and the taste is greatly improved. However, there are also users who find the filtered water less tasty. In the core of this water filter it is intended to provide clean and safe drinking water in emergency situations.
And last but not least
Care is important when using and maintaining this water filter, as it concerns the safety of your drinking water!